Henry, who still feels like the baby of the family, is starting school today! It is not as big a change as it was for Owen starting in reception, as Henry went to the preschool at school last year and went to holiday club in the classroom he will be in this year. It was nice walking to school and seeing all of Henry’s classmates from nursery, most of whom he had not seen all summer, it was also reassuring that he would have some familiar faces in his class. Henry only went to school for a few hours this afternoon, and I was surprised that parents were bringing the children into the classroom and getting them settled – Owen’s first day was in 2020, during Covid, so we just left him at the door. Having us there seemed to make it worse for Henry, but he soon settled down and was telling the teacher about our recent bike ride at Sherwood Pines, despite us not having ridden at Sherwood Pines for months. Hopefully, this was nerves, rather than mistrust of the teacher! I was quite proud that before we left him, he had already written his name in the writing area.
As with Owen, in addition to the mandatory photo by the front door, I asked Henry some questions, to record how he has changed over the years:
- Height: 107cm
- Shoe size: 11K
- Bike: Frog 48
- Favourite colour: Blue
- Favourite food: Spaghetti bolognese
- Favourite book: The Adventures of Paddington: Hide-and-Seek
- Favourite thing to watch on TV: Alice’s Wonderland Bakery (an Alice in Wonderland spin-off on Disney+)
- Best thing we did over the summer holiday: Going to Saltburn-by-the-Sea
- What do you want to be when you grow up? He does not want a job, he wants to be a princess.