After more than twelve weeks off, returning to work was never going to be pleasant! However the biggest hurdle seemed to be getting the morning routine sorted, not helped by Owen having a lie in! Luckily my parents arrived earlier than expected to look after the boys. I cycled to work – starting the year as I meant to go on! Unlike parental leave with Owen, I had not switched my work laptop on since finishing work on the 19th of December – so the IT department insisted on taking it away to be scanned/updated before I could see how many emails had piled up in my absence. When I eventually got my laptop back, the answer was 1,564, most of which were automated emails from our issue tracking system. Not too bad at all – I had them all sorted by the end of the day! Nothing seemed to have changed in the office, so it was back to business as usual. It was raining heavily at home time, so I got completely wet through riding home. After the boys were in bed I ordered myself some waterproof overtrousers to go into my work bag should I get caught out again.

Tuesday added another element into the mix – pre-school! Now we had to get Owen out of the house too, but of course he had another lie in! However the promise of being able to ride his bike to preschool got him moving and out of the house in record time! The ride to pre-school went well, and is something we will do again. However continuing the ride from pre-school to my office was not quite so successful – I took what I thought was a short cut, which looking back on a map I realised was longer, as well as being hillier than riding back and joining my usual route. I ended up a bit sweatier than I would have liked by the time I got to work. The day went well, I got my holidays booked and childcare payments sorted. After riding home I only had time for a quick change of clothes before taking Owen for his swimming lesson – something else which needs to be factored into the new routine! Fortunately Owen was cooperative getting changed and really enjoyed the lesson again. This week I got him changed into his pyjamas at the pool, so at least bedtime was easier.

The challenge for Wednesday was fitting Owen’s Ready Steady Riders Wheelie Wednesday session in with full days at work and nursery! We are lucky enough to have flexitime at work – so as long as I was in the office by 7:30 I could leave in time to collect Owen from preschool early enough to get him to Sutton Coldfield by 17:00. Jen would then pick Henry up on her way home from work. Of course, because we needed to get up and go in the morning, the boys both had a lie in! I just about managed to catch Owen on my way out. It was strange being in the office so early, but at least the afternoon went quickly! I was able to leave at four o’clock on the dot, picked Owen up at ten past and made it to Sutton Coldfield with ten minutes to spare! Owen rode really well again – there was another little boy on a similar green Frog bike and they were at about the same level, so it was good to watch them racing each other around the track.
On Thursday I did the double – Owen and I rode to preschool, then I carried on to the office. Then after finishing work, I rode back to preschool to pick Owen up, and rode home together. I was proud of myself having ridden in three times in the week – especially as I took my lunch with me and did not visit McDonalds for lunch. Thursday ended up being my last day in the office, as I have continued not to work on Fridays, and then we were all asked to work at home due to the Coronavirus outbreak and I have been working from home ever since.