Ten Years of Mountain Biking

Ten years ago I bought a mountain bike, a Vitus Nucleus hardtail. After years of going to the gym multiple times a week, I wanted to switch up my training, and I thought that after buying the bike it would be cheaper than the gym membership. I was wrong on that count, but can definitely say that my fitness has improved! What enabled me to buy a mountain bike at the time was actually having somewhere to keep it, after the completing of my garage build. If I knew that ten years later I would be squeezing ten bikes into the garage alongside my MR2 Roadster I would have made the garage much bigger!

In addition to the family’s bike collection growing, I have also had to buy a van to transport the bikes around, as although I can ride from home, getting out an exploring new places on the bike is my favourite thing to do. Especially if I can ride with other people. I am lucky that Jen and the boys occasionally come out with me, Owen especially seems to enjoy riding, and I love being able to share a hobby with him.

I still have the frame of the Vitus hardtail, it is hanging from the garage ceiling, as although it was a good starter bike, and a good second bike when I got my Orange Four, I eventually replaced it with a better hardtail, my Orange Clockwork Evo. I did over 6,000km on that bike, albeit with a lot of upgrades over the five years I was riding it. I have also learned a heck of a lot about working on bikes – ten years ago I did not know anything, but these days I would not think twice about building a bike up from scratch, or building a wheel – I just wish I had more time to do it, and a bigger workshop of course!

Mountain bikes have also crept into my other hobby – photography. I love either going out on my bike with a camera in by bag, or shooting mountain bike races. To me, mountain biking feels more like a way of life than a sport, and I am glad that I found it, after buying that bike ten years ago.