As the sun sets on 2024 (photo from earlier in the year, the weather is rubbish tonight), I am sharing my look back at the year. 2024 has been a pretty good year, especially after the rubbish end to 2023. The first exciting thing of the year was our weekend in Manchester, for the Bricktastic Lego show. Owen and I went to Wales in the spring, then again in the autumn, riding at Bike Park Wales both times. I also went to Wales to watch a rally with my dad, which was one of my highlights of the year. We had some good holidays – Dorset with Jen’s family, the South Downs with my family, and Jen and I went to Venice, but I have been a bit rubbish at blogging, so no posts to link to.

2024 has been a decent year on the bikes, although mainly the hardtail really. In previous years I have mainly ridden on my own, but I have been more social this year. I have ridden a lot with Partho – my favourite ride of the years was when he demoed a Cotic bike in the Peak District, natural trails are great fun, but the hills are tough. In the summer I joined the local mountain bike club, the Godiva Trailriders, for a few rides, although I still struggle to keep up with them on rides. However the highlight has been riding loads with Owen towards the end of the year – his riding has come on so much with regular riding. With all the riding I have neglected workshop time – I am almost at the point where none of my bikes are rideable. More time in the workshop needed.

I have had a great year behind the camera, helped by upgrading my camera. I feel like I have really gelled with the new camera in a way that I was not expecting to, harking back to 2009 when I bought my Canon 1Dmk2, and I felt like I produced my best work. I have shot a lot of mountain biking, mainly the local races at Stile Cop, but I really enjoy the vibe they have on the hill, and I have been getting to know the regular racers. It has not only been action photography, I have also dabbled in both landscape and street photography, including a fun morning shooting around the Coventry ring road with some other local photographers. I have found myself taking a lot of black and white photos, the Acros film simulation on my Fuji cameras is great. Naturally, I have taken a lot of photos of the boys, and also both my nieces – being an uncle is fun!
Work has been particularly busy this year, with a few projects being delivered, and some diversification in to app development, which has been interesting. It has been a double edged sword though, as I have often ended up working late into the evening when I have something to finish – I love what I do, so do not mind, but it does mean that I have not been able to work on personal projects as much as I would have liked.

Owen has had a much year than 2023, his year started off with a small operation to remove a Hickmann Line from his chest, but he has bounced back. He started getting into photography and we have enjoyed some great days out together. He has also made great progress with his karate – achieving his yellow belt, and then his orange belt. He has also competed at both regional and national level – both times being knocked out in the first round by the same lad, who went on to with both titles. However riding with Owen these past few months has been great, he rides at a good pace now, so I have a decent ride, rather than just pootling along behind him. He also enjoys when Partho joins us on rides, he feels like he is one of the boys.

Henry has also had a good year, he is a right character, and takes his role of “annoying little brother” very seriously. He is so different to Owen, especially how they dress, Henry likes to dress smartly – or to wear a princess dress. He often has multiple outfit changes a day, which is both cute and frustrating. He continued with cycle speedway, making great progress, especially towards the end of the season, and he want to ride a “proper” speedway bike without brakes next season. The biggest change for Henry has been that he can now read and write, that first year at school has just a dramatic change, over the last few days he has even started reading books to himself, which has been nice to see.
At the start of the year, I set myself some goals. I posted a halftime update in June, but here are the final results:
Spend more time with my friends

Must try harder – I have spent a lot more time with Partho, mostly mountain biking, but also various other trips out. I have found it more difficult to meet up with the rest of our group, and we did not get to all celebrate our fortieth birthdays together. We did meet Rich in Manchester when we went to Bricktastic. The photo above was from the only time that we managed to get the whole group together – for lunch and an autumnal walk in the Peak District.
Make my blog more robust
Fail – As mentioned in my mid-year update post, perfection has been the enemy of progress here. I probably just need to spend a day on it, however finding a free day to spend sat at the computer is proving difficult
Refresh my photography portfolio website
Fail – I did make a start on this, but did not finish it. It looks like there have not been many changes to Adobe Portfolio, which I use to power the pages, so it is just going to be a case of choosing some more images.
Photograph a rally

Pass – I actually photographed two rallies – a single stage rally at Donington Park and the Rallynuts Severn Valley Stages in Wales. The trip to Wales to watch the rally was one of my favourite days of the year, so I am hoping to go to another rally next year. Owen seems keen to join me.
Complete a 50km bike ride
Pass – I managed to complete this by accident, on a club ride, although I did an extra loop around the block to make sure it was definitely over 50km.
Ride 25km with Owen
Fail – Owen hardly did any riding at the start of the year, then we did loads in the last four months, but focussing more on quality, rather than quantity. His longest ride was actually at Bike Park Wales (spoiler for the next goal!), where we rode 21km, which did not include being driven to the top of the hill four times. Owen’s technical riding has come on so much…
Ride at Bike Park Wales with Owen

Pass – Another goal that I can check off twice! We had a weekend in Wales in May, which included an afternoon at Bike Park Wales, then we made it to the Little Rippers Halloween ride, after many years of clashing dates/hospital visits. Bike Park Wales more than lived up to the hype, it is the best place I have ridden, and I am looking forward to visiting again.
Ride at 417 Bike Park with Henry
Fail – Henry is very different to Owen, and is less of a daredevil – he enjoys riding his bike on the cycle speedway track, or on the blue graded trail at Hicks Lodge. I am sure that he would enjoy riding at 417 (when it eventually reopens), but he would hate the idea of it and I do not want to push him. I think I’ll get him to ride at Newbold Comyn, as the trails are similar in difficulty, but it is nearer and free to ride.
Ride at Bwlch Nant yr Arian
Fail – Again. This will be carried over to next year (again), with higher priority given that Natural Resources Wales seem to be giving up on their mountain bike facilities, including Nant Yr Arian.
Ride one more of the “10 of the best XC trails in the UK” with Partho
Fail – This one is on me – Partho is keen to ride the Ladybower Loop in the Peak District, but I have some bike maintenance to do before I can tackle it, as my Orange Four is currently out of action, and I did not fancy it on a hardtail.
Sort out the boys toys
Fail – We did make a good go of it before Christmas, but then Christmas happened, and the boys got loads of toys, so the house looks like there has been an explosion in Toy R Us…
Tidy my garage
Fail – The garage is still a mess, with bikes and bike parts everywhere. I thought I had a goal to “tidy my office”, so I spent this afternoon sorting out my office, which was needed, but unfortunately does not mean that I can tick off a task.
MR2 jobs
Partial pass – As with last year, this has been hampered by a messy garage/too many bikes and not enough space to work on the MR2, however I did get some jobs done. And it got new brake callipers when it was in for service, and also the paint blemishes were sorted.
Make sure that my pensions and investments are working for me
Pass – Just about. Sorting out my pensions was a boring task that I had been putting off, but just in time for the end of the year, my old pensions have all been moved into a SIPP with Interactive Investor, which seems to be getting me better growth and lower fees. Once I had worked out what I wanted to do I thought it would be a quick process, but every step of the way seems to have been slow, especially getting money out of old pensions, but in the final days of the year the last cash has been transferred from an old pension, although it will take a few more days to arrive and be invested. I had reviewed my other investments and was happy with them, but in the last few weeks the provider has put their fees up, so I need to look into alternatives for those.
Get my weight down to 90kg

Fail – Every year. Must try harder. I had a good second half of the year, but you can tell when the weather started getting bad in October and I was not riding my bike as much. Looking at the past week or so the trend has been downwards, despite a few meals out, so hopefully I’ll be able to keep that going in to 2025.
Once again it looks like I have failed to achieve more of my goals than I acheived. I think for next year I need to try and ride (and work) less, so that I can focus on other goals.